Monday, February 21, 2011

Stylish Blogger Award... I know I am shocked too.

It's Sunday evening.
And you know what that means.
Time for a blog stocking. And catching up on my blogging.
Britt gave me the pictures from our Kingman trip last weekend.
A big THANKS to her. I know she was studying so hard and I begged her to give me.
Thanks for all your hard work sissy. I know it'll pay off.
I was checking my blog and noticed I had another comment on my blog I posted earlier this week
and one of my cute followers posed a cute comment and told me to take a look at her blog which is here.
She is a girl I went to high school with and I LOVE LOVE LOVE reading all of her blogs.
She really inspires me to blog more.
So I got the "Stylish Blogger Award"
I know I was shocked too! haha. But I am glad some people like to read my blog out there.
This is how the "Stylish Blogger Award" thingy goes....

#1: Thank the person who gave you the award.
Now I have something FUN to blog about. :)

#2: Share 7 facts about yourself.
#3: Award 7 new bloggers with the award. (And comment them so they know.)
#1. I wish I had more time to blog. I really do love blogging but at the end of the day when I am done with work and school all I wanna do is have "lay time" with Chris. Watch movies and relax.
#2. I have NEVER flown on a airplane before. I know I need to get with it. It was my goal to do before I turned 21 but I highly doubt that's going to happen. Well better hopes for another year.

#3. I have never worked at a job for a full year. So here is my yay I've been at a job for a whole year!!!
#4. Being at this job it can be really hard and stressful. I don't know how people can do it. But honestly it's the best birth control ever. Don't get me wrong I love little kids but I don't think I will be having kids for a LONG LONG time. Maybe even ever haha.
#5. I HAVE to have caffeine daily. I rely on my fountain drink(s) to keep me going.

#6. I am so thankful for my family and all the amazing things they do for me.
My grandparents. 
my broada.
aunts & uncles.
and my prima.

#7. I am so thankful for Chris and all the wonderful many amazing things he does for me. For the little things to the great big things. For putting up with me when I am cranky or sad. And always cheering me up. For always trying to make things better for us. For bringing me food and drinks to work.
I love everything about him and I am so thankful for him.

Now I tag
Chad and Aubrey.

My AMAZiNG little BiG Sissy!

Last weekend I had an AMAZiNG time with my family and Nanny and Grandpa.
Britt Dre and I ventured down to Kingman to watch Addie play in one of her last games.
And she had an AMAZiNG game.
Number one. She was healthy enough to play.
that poor girl and her diabetes.
We never know how her health or blood sugar will be.
 Number two. She had....15 points. 13 assists. 10 rebounds.
One of her best games EVER.
And they WON!!!
I know there were lots of prayers for Addie and her team.
That's always a plus. It was such an intense game. I LOVED it.
It was cute her coach.
Coach Gonz is one awesome man.
He knew we were coming for her game. And after the game he told her.. "Addie I prayed that you would play you're best tonight for your sisters and your grandparents."
All I can say is HE is an awesome coach who plays his players because they are hard workers and they love they game and want to play the game. He recognizes players for their talents and abilities.
He doesn't play players because of who THEiR parents are.
Or what part of town they live in.
Or by their religion.
Or because they are a "headache"  BAHAHAH. Sorry I just had to throw that one in there for some people's enjoyment.
I am just thankful my sister FINALLY got some decent coaches. In both volleyball and basketball.
And the whole town and school can recognize someones talent for real reasons.
Not like the ones I posted above.
So the Kingman Daily Miner posted an amazing article on my sister and her day-to-day struggle with Type 1 Diabeties.
I don't think many people realize how hard it is and everything you have to go through.
All I know is my sister is STRONG and takes this with an open heart and mind and I am so proud of her.
Along with many of my other family members with Diabetics too.
I really hope one day they find a cure for this bad boy.
Anyways here is the ROCKiN article about my sissy.
Christensen up to challenge
Lady Bulldogs captain battles diabetes
JC AMBERLYN/MinerSenior Addie Christensen brings the ball up for Kingman High Jan. 21 against Goldwater. Christensen was diagnosed with diabetes when she was 2-1/2 years old and fights hard to stay on the floor.

Senior Addie Christensen brings the ball up for Kingman High Jan. 21 against Goldwater. Christensen was diagnosed with diabetes when she was 2-1/2 years old and fights hard to stay on the floor.

Shawn Byrne
Sports Reporter

KINGMAN - Baseball Hall-of-Famer Ty Cobb, Chicago Bears quarterback Jay Cutler, and former Gonzaga University basketball standout Adam Morrison all have something in common with Kingman High girls basketball player Addie Christensen.

They played their sports with diabetes.

Christensen, a senior captain on the team, moved to Kingman with her family from Utah last year. Everyone around her immediately noticed her athleticism, and the only regret was KHS hadn't had her since she was a freshman.

What everyone soon discovered about Christensen is that she is the model of determination.

"She has the heart of lion," KHS coach Danny Gonzalez said. "She's made me a better coach. I always thought that I watched my players carefully, but now I see the game differently. I now understand I have to listen to my players."

Christensen wears an insulin pump under her uniform during games, and her diabetes isn't entirely under control. The senior missed just about the entire season last year and has missed a few games this year, too. She was out of school for two two-week periods last year, as she battled the disease.

When her blood-sugar level is high, she can sometimes fight through it and continue to play. But when it's low, she has to get off the court.

"Some days are more of a struggle," Christensen said. "Some have been where it's down for six to eight hours. We've asked tons of doctors, but we've got no answers. We're still trying to figure things out."

Christensen was diagnosed when she was 2-1/2 years old, and it has become an accepted part of her life. Her parents, Jeff and Michelle Christensen, attend just about every game she plays, and though they have gotten used to seeing their youngest of three children exert herself, it's still not easy.

"It is a little stressful," Michelle said. "Addie has always been good about it. She doesn't really know any different. It's her personality to go with the flow. She'll play whether it's high or low if she can."

One of the most difficult aspects of her playing career and diabetes is when she recognizes she's getting tired and her energy level sinks. She has to make the decision to not play.

"It's hard. I feel like I'm letting the team down, but I can't control it," Christensen said. "If I don't take myself out, it's just me being selfish because I'm not at my best."

No coach wants to see one of their best players leave the court, but Gonzalez knows it's for the best.

"She never gives up, and bless her, she can't control it," the coach said. "I've never heard any of my players complain about her not practicing in her two years here. That's because she presents herself well. I wouldn't change anything. I love that I've been able to coach her."

When push comes to shove, Christensen would certainly be thrilled if a cure for diabetes would come along. However, it has played a large role in who she is as a person.

"It makes me stronger, and it doesn't stop me from doing anything," she said. "It could be worse, and at least I can still play sports."

Christensen hopes to be on the floor when the Lady Bulldogs host O'Connor at 7 p.m. today.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Bored Blog

I'm sitting here at school...facebook and blog stocking.
And whenever I blog stalk I tend to want to blog more than normal.
I want to do that 30 day challenge thing but I know I couln't blog everyday. But I sure could try right?
Today's been a really good day.
I made peace with a person. That was very very much needed.
I workd with a bunch of cute kiddos. Too bad most of them were sick and cranky today :(
And not being the most obident.
But I still love those little ones so very much.
Took Chris a "Swig" drink and a Snickers to work.
On a side note. Long story short he got another new job...
He is a salesmen for Sprint. YAY!
And I am now at school. Dreading to do my Math homework and study for Biology.
And I'm hoping I am going to get home in time to play basketball with Chris tonight.
On another tangent I am looking forward for our NOT-Suprise visit to Kingman this weekend.
My dad spilled the beans.
I am finally making it down to Kingman for Addie's last game ever.
But I know it'll be a great time!
That's all for now...
Let me know what you think about doing my own verson of the 30 day thing...