Sunday, August 5, 2012

4th of July. AKA My Favorite Holiday

Everybody already knows that the 4th of July in Richfield is my all time favorite way to spend my favorite holiday!!!
Starts out with the cannons going off at 6am or so.
This year I was so excited I barely slept, because I was so so excited!!
The morning started off with Grandpa Rex's amazing  German Pancakes.
Then I got ready for the parade. While the rest of my duddy family stayed and played tennis..
Lame I know.
The parade is always the same and seeing people I went to high school with makes it fun too.
The park is always the same. Talk to people you go to high school with.
Don't forget I have to get my snow cones && cotton candy!
This year I also tried a deep fired twinkie.
It's totally worth it! So yummy!

Here is Trev with his twinkie. He got it all over his face and kept saying "YOLO"
I enjoyed spending time with him since it was his last 4th before he left on his mission.
Good luck Elder Christensen. Prayers your way!!!
After the park Grandma C made us her homemade Navajo Taco's/
She makes them just as good as the real thing!
I ate two of them!
It's not time with the Christensen's unless we play some sports!!!
Dre, Kenna and I wasted Britt, Brynn and Addie in 3 on 3 v-ball.
B-ball was fun! It's always fun being one of the shortest ones out there and having my younger cousins stuffing me as I take it to the hoop.
Everyone is improving and working hard in sports.
Keep it up.
We love the competition!!!

I love this picture of my fasha.
He always sweats a heart when he plays sports.
He truly does have "love" for the game of basketball.
I love my Fasha!
After that it was time the the BBQ'd turkey, potato salad, veggies, white stuff, chips, home-made ice cream and witches brew root-beer!!!

I loved the whole week of the 4th!
My family was in Utah for the whole week!!!
And I loved it all!
They came back to stg on Thurs.
We got pedi's. Went to Spiderman. Played Tennis. Where Dre served it right in my throat.
Sang in Britt's ward. And just hung out! I love family time. Here are the rest of the pictures!!!

Untill next year!!!!
Next on the blog...
Girls trip in Vegas... when... Britt is done editing pics!!!

Friday, June 8, 2012

Instagram LOVE

Now Instagram...
Goodness I have got my hands full with apps and internet time. LOL
Here are a few fun shots of my instagram love.
With some stories too.
 This is when Addie was here a couple weeks ago. We went to Cafe Rio for lunch one day.
 Babysitting two of my favorites from the daycare. Konnor and Jack Jack.
 Krave timee with the sissys.
 A month ago I decided to do my hair in the "melt" or "ombre" style.
I love it!
 Last week I  bought a new and bigger curing iorn. To do bigger curls like this!
love it!
 At the splash pad with Konnor and Jack Jack.
Thanks for coming with me britt!
 Me and Addie
Michelle Christensen. 
Is now a certified SNAKE killer.
I don't know how she did it....
I am freaked out myself just seeing the picture.
Can you believe it.
4 posts in ONE WEEK!
Look at me go!!!!

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Thanks Britt!

My sister shared this lovely quote with my last night! I am hoping it helps me!
Thanks for a fun night sissy!
I love you!

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Beginning of Summer

Well I have been at my job two months and LOVE IT!!
I love my boss and the assistant manager.
I just love the girls I work with.
We work hard but we also have fun.
It's so nice to be in a stress free environment!
Well I moved into my new apartment.
I am loving it, so far.
It's so nice to have my own room even tho it is kinda small.
I have been keeping busy with work, play dates with my daycare kids, working out, eathing heathy. I have only had a few sodas in the past two weeks and I have lost 8 pounds! Hope it keeps coming off!
I have been thinking soo much about MY life lately.
What I wanna do?
Where I wanna be in 1,5,10 years.
How I graduated High School 4 years ago...
How different I am and how much I have changed..
The fact that I am 22 years old. CRAZY!
How only 4 of my good friends from high school aren't married.
Me and Morg and Ky are holding down the fort Lol.
How many people have come and gone out of my life.
How crazy it is that people change.
How I secretly want to be married...
How bad that I want to experience new fun crazy things in life.
How much I love my family. Close and Extended.
My parents.
Gosh life is so crazy and so short.
I wanna make sure I am doing everything I can and be the best TORI I can be...
I had a break down a couple weeks ago.
And my mom and I had a great talk.
After we got of the phone she sent me this text.
"I named you 'Victoria'--do you know what your name means? Winner-- you are 'patient, reliable, warm hearted and loving'." I love you Tori. Luv mom...
Sometimes I need to forget about all the crazy things and life and remember the small simple things in life.
I have been thinking about that so much.
I am still contemplating what I wanna be when I "grow up".
Where I wanna be next year, 5 years, or 10...
So here's to the changes...
Good and bad.
Learning and moving on.
Life is too short to keep remember the "bad" things.
So here's to being 22!!!
And many more good memories and learning experiences...
 Me on my 22nd Birthday!!!
 Me and Baby Ava
 Addie and me doing "deuces" for my b-day
 My birthday cake!!!!

Always going to remember this!!!!