This weekend was so much fun! My roommate Allie's sister, sisters boyfriend/ bff and her other bff Jill came to play with us. We did gang out but I also did a lot of studying. We bought some sweet MOCKiSiNS at K-Math. We had a lot of fun. I also can't believe that its snowing in St. George. Its cold but it reminds me of home. Our dear friend Cory McDougle moved home. Will will miss you Cory. :(
Also this week I have finals. Luckily I only have to take three finals. Today I had two of my three finals. I had my English one at 7:30. Yeah it was freakin early! Ah it sucked. I also had my math final at 12:30. I am 2/3 done with finals OOOOHHHHOOOO!!!! :)
I can't wait for Christmas to see all my family. I am ready to tear up CHRiSTENSEN FAMiLY BASKETBALL! Bring it on! Man up! Hope ya'll can't wait to see Britt's, Addie & My intimidating sweat bands. Can't wait to see everyone! :)