Saturday, November 22, 2008


About a year ago I started reading these books. I'm not a very big reader at all. I remember Brittany and Addie making fun of me all Christmas break. They kept calling me "twilight". Because I just kept on reading the book. If you know me then you know I'm not a big reader at all. But for some reason these books have seem to caught my attention. Well in the summer I convinced Britt to start reading the books. Well now she's a fan. So who's laughing now? haha! (only addie) I've been waiting for so long for this movie to come out! Britt told me she'd go with me and we'd have a sisters date. Britt and I waited in like for two hours on Friday night. Its a good thing we bought our tickets a few days earlier. The movie was supposed to start at 8:45 but didn't start till about 9:30. I love all the charachters, yes even Edward. He grew on me during the movie and he is amazing! Anyway, everyone should go see Twilight! Yes Melissa even you! :)
So excited for Twilght

Random Face

Patiently Waiting

The annoying people behind us

Cute Sisters



The Barclay Family said...

Okay Tor, I probably will see the movie. I know that Ryan will NEVER read the books, so it's the only way he will ever get the story. Addie would be a fan too if she read them!

Shaul Family said...

I just barely borrowed the book to read. I will read it probably on our way to Utah this week. I'll have to let you know if it is really as good as everybody says it is.

Martha said...

Hey girl! I didn't know you had a blog! You're so cute! I love TWILIGHT!!!!!

AubreyJane said...

I don't know if I want to see it!!! I'm still worried its going to mess up the books for me. Chad wants to see it so I probably will but... is it really worth it?