Wednesday, February 18, 2009


This past weekend I got invited on a Valentines date to go Snowboarding with Josh and his friends. I thought since I had been wake boarding for 5 years that snowboarding would be similar to snowboarding. Well I can tell you this, wake boarding and snowboarding are two very different things. When you wake board the boat pulls you up but when you snowboard you have to get yourself up. So that's a hard part of snowboarding. A few more are getting off the lift. It's so hard because you have to turn your board and then get off. Well I feel off the lift every time. The people kept getting mad at me because they had to stop the lift every time but what can you do? I was just learning. I was lucky enough to have it be snowing and have fresh powder. I heard it hurts a lot worse when the snow isn't fresh.
I had a hard time stopping. So I would just fall. Since the powder was so fresh every time I fell snow would just shoot up at my face, so my face got cold really early! I almost ran into some people, because I couldn't stop.
But all in all I had fun my first time snowboarding.


Diane and Jerry said...

At lease you dare try to snow board! I have a panic attack if I even think about getting on a ski lift. In fact, I won't even ride the sky ride at Lagoon!!
Love ya!

Rachel said...

Yes. I love it.
Tori you're so hard-core.

Martha said...

Yeah! I'm glad you finally went! I LOVE borading! Way to NEVER text me back girl ;)