Tuesday, March 17, 2009


HAHAHAH HAPPY BiFTDAY BRiTTANY (like the mouse off of Cinderella)
I just wanted to write a blog about you and give you the best Birthday present I could give you! Since I'm not in St. George!

Thanks for being the BEST SISTER EVER! If there was an award, you'd have it! You've taken care of me since the day I came home from the hospital. I may not have always liked it when you've been like a mom to me but I really appreciate it! I'm not very good at typing and expressing my words but I'll try my best!
You are the best sister ever! Thanks for everything! If it was telling me to share candy with my friends on my birthday, cleaning up my knee from a bad crash on my bike, stopping a fight, or while you were at College when I was arguing with Mom and Dad you'd ALWAYS be there to talk to me and help me through my problems and trials. Or now days helping me with my homework, paying for me to play volleyball with you, inviting me over for dinner, playing volleyball with me and helping stick up for me, or just letting me hang out with you or talk to you when I need someone to talk to! I could go on and on about how you are the best sister ever! I know we are in a family for many reasons! I know why you were chosen to be the big sister! I know all of this is true! I am so happy to call you my big sister! You are a great wife, daughter, sister, best friend, teammate, coworker, and someday mother! I am so happy I moved to St. George! Remeber last year on your brithday? I am happy Andre' let us share that amazing moment with you and be a part of a great day! I love you so much!
With love
Your little sis!


Sheila said...

You have an amazing sister. What a fitting and cute tribute. Glad I get to be apart of your lives! Love you!

The Barclay Family said...

Brittany is the best! Hope you had a great day!

Martha said...

Tori, you are such a wonderful sister. I love you tons!

Rachel said...

I love you too tori! You and addie are my adopted lil' sisters since I never had any.