Monday, October 19, 2009

My hero

My Hero is..... My amazing little sister Addie!
I am so proud of her! Since my mom moved to Arizona my little sister has been momless. I can't even imagine how hard it would be to not have my mom around when I lived at home. Especially how close they are too. She made the brave decision to move to Kingman to live with my mom. She moves this weekend. Hopefully my dad can get down there soon too! I am sad that I won't be in the same state as my family but I am only four hours or so away from them!
I am excited for my family to start their new life! I am glad they all have listenen to the spirit. Because if we didn't have any guidance in our lives I don't know what we would do!
I am excited for my little sister to start her new life! I love you Addie! You are so brave and I am so proud of all the decisions you've made!
Brittany is my hero too... I have many heroes but I had to express my apprecation, and gratitude to my amazing little sister!


A Little bit of Sparks said...

Tori! I love that blog! It was great to read it and I cried! I love that girl too! I'm grateful for our our family! You are my hero too tori and addie! Love you girls!

The Barclay Family said...

Very nice post Tori! All you girls are AMAZING!!! We love you all, and hope to still keep in touch via the internet and cell phones since we won't see you as much! (Please remember you are welcome to stay here anytime you come to Richfield :)