Sunday, January 9, 2011

Christmas in Kingman Year 2

Well we spent another Christmas in Kingman.
It was a lot shorter than my vacation last year. 
But I guess that's what is it like to be a grown-up and to have a job and what not. I know so horrible huh?
All I honestly wanted for Christmas was to spend time with my family.
It wasn't all of them.
I did miss The Rex and Christensen extended family members but thank goodness for technology.
But it was amazing to see my FASHA, MASHA, LiTTLE BiG SiSSY ADDiE. AND OF COURSE B&&;D.
I have always always wanted to do ugly Christmas sweaters as a fun sister tradition.
And Britt and I found something even better....
Ugly Christmas Turtlenecks.
And oh boy are then AWESOME.
So we woke up early and left around 8:30 on Christmas Eve.
Got to K-Town around 12:30 and let the wonderful Christensen family bonding and traditions begin.
Dre and my daddy went golfing.
And the girls got dinner ready and got ready in our turtle necks.
And took lots of pictures.
Then we had an amazing Christmas Eve dinner.
Thanks Mom. It was BOMB
She even made white stuff.
And then we sang lots of songs around the paino for hours.
And picked out a song to sing in church.
Then we watched family home videos. (My fav) and went to bed.
Then we woke up at 9 or so. Crawled into my parents bed and waited for everyone else to wake up.
Poor Dre was sick so we let him sleep in for a bit longer.
My dad started making our breakfast.
(Sausage egg Mcmuffins) and right when they were ready Dre was awake.
So we enjoyed our wonderful Christmas morning breakfast and went and opened presents.
Then everyone wanted to go golfing.
Addie and I lasted 3 holes then walked back to the car and went home.
Then we played basketball later.
Addie and Britt beat me and dre... again...
But Dre was sick. So that's what I blame the loss on haha.
Then on Sunday we sang in church with my dad and my sissy's.
Even tho the break was short I enjoyed spending the little time we had with our family.
I loved it.
Now enjoy the pictures!


The Barclay Family said...

Dylan thinks you guys look SO pretty by the Christmas tree!

Kelli said...

Tori you are so funny! You make me laugh! Thinking about you! Call me sometime, I got a new number 435.272.2752. :)