Sunday, September 11, 2011

Yup... I did it again/ Chris' 22nd Birthday

Well I dyed my hair brown again..
I was ready and needed a change and my hair was FRIED from all the bleach in it.
So I thought why not go brown.
Plus Chris LOVES it so thats good too, right?

On a side note nothing too exciting happened in August.
Volleyball started so I am reffing that and working.
Chris is keeping busy with work and taking good care of me.
He turned 22 on September 1st.
His original plan for his birthday was I bought him a ticket to go to Seattle to see his old friends and just spend some time up there. But we ended up having to move out of out place and a few other things came up so we had to put his trip on hold.
But I acted like we weren't doing much for his birthday.
So he thought I was just bringing him breakfast to his work.
But I ended up going to the dollar store and getting a bunch of balloons and candy and some other stuff along with his breakfast to take to his work.
I also got him a card with some gift cards in it and the new Lil Wayne Carter 4 cd.
His face was priceless going into his work.
After work we went to Applebees for dinner.
It wasn't a huge special birthday but I tried my hardest.
Here are 22 reasons why I LOVE CHRIS!
  1. He always gives me great advice
  2. He helps build me up when I am down.
  3. He plans stuff out for our future.
  4. He helps me remember the important things in life.
  5. He is a hard worker.
  6. He inspires me to do better.
  7. He loves me for me.
  8. Even when he is right he still will listen to me, usually he is always right.
  9. Family is as important to him as it is to me.
  10. He LOVES sports and so do I.
  11. He is athletic.
  12. He helps us remember to say our prayers every night.
  13. He is always willing to help me out.
  14. He moved us both times on his own.
  15. His physical features: smile, eyes, body, tan skin, dark hair, etc.
  16. How he tires to better himself and us daily
  17. How he is willing to change and do things for me even tho he doesn't always love it,
  18. How strong he has become, emitionally.
  19. His positive attitude.
  20. His happiness with himself.
  21. He helps me remember how much the little things count in life.
22.I love him for him and I wouldn't change anyting about him ever.
I am so glad I have spent another b-day and another year with this boy.
We have been through a lot and I wouldn't change any of it for the world.
I am so thankful and grateful to have you in my life.
Thanks for everything.
I love you!

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