Monday, May 11, 2009


I know its a day late but I had to work yesterday... Sorry mom!
Remember the commercial last year... I love my mom because...
She takes care of me when I am sick.
Gives me a good rub and massage after a hard game.
Takes care of my boo boo's
Sings me to sleep.
She teaches me how to be self reliant.
She cares about me and my future.
She wants me to be successful.
She wants peace in our home!
I love my mommy for everything she's done for me!

On the tangent because I am Tangent Tori...

Mom I remember.....
Baby baths after I was sick.
You always taking such great care of me when I was sick.
Singing me "Pretty Ponies" to help me fall asleep.
Doing my hair in all these cool ways when I had long hair.
Comforting me when I had scary night mares.
Tanning with you.
Going on walks.
Riding our bikes.
Going swimming.
Singing with the family around the paino.
All of our silly imitations of everyone.
Being at the lake.
Helping me with my homework.
Having good talks with you.
And so much much more, and many more to come too!
Just being with you mom!

I love you so much!
Thanks for being the best mom in the WHOLE world!
You are the best!
I hope that I can be just like you!
You've taught me so much!
I want to be independent, intelligent, self reliant, outgoing, creative, and just the best!
Happy Mothers Day! (Sorry its late)
But I love you Mom!
Just like the commercial last year (MOM I LOVE YOU)


Martha said...

You are such a great daughter! I love aunt Michelle :)

Heather said...

I bet you made your mom cry...See this is why I need a girl, my boys will never think to do this! Loved catching up with you...congrats on finishing your first year! Heather