Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Road Trip\Birthday

My roommate Allie and I have been planning to do something fun for my birthday for a while. We intentionally planned on going to Vegas, then we were thinking maybe Lagoon, but then the thought of Six Flags came to our mind. It's about the same distance as Lagoon plus it's way way cheaper. We got out passes for 25 bucks! What a sweet deal! So I called Kylie and asked her if she wanted to come and she said yes, then we asked Ashely (my other roommate) and Jimmy her boyfriend too. We drove to Vegas on Monday afternoon and shopped around a bit. We left Vegas around eleven and we were off to Cali. We stayed at Ashley's cousins house. We woke up around ten and got ready to go to Six Flags. I LOVED Six Flags so much. The rides were AWESOME!!! Just everything about it was fun. I want to go again. Here are pictures of Vegas. Ash my roommate has the Cali ones. I will post them as soon as I can.

1 comment:

Martha said...

I'm glad you got to go and have fun! Love you!