Thursday, September 3, 2009


Some of you are thinking.... What in the world is ZUMBA??? That is exactly what I thought when one of the girls at my work started talking about it. She just had a baby so she is trying to work out and get back into shape. I am still trying to work out and stay in shape. So I have been trying to find what works best for me. I am not a fan of running, but I do it anyway. Brittany and I have been doing P90x and I love that too. But ZUMBA has added some sort of SPARK to my life. I really enjoy it. Natasha they girl at my work was talking about it, so my other co-worker Alisa and I decided we'd give ZUMBA a try! So last night (wednesday night) Alisa and I decided we wanted to try out ZUMBA. She went Tuesday night but I couldn't make it. I was cheering on my little sister as they KiLLED the HURRiCANE TiGERS. Which is the reigning 3A state champs! It was an awesome game.
Back to Zumba! I loved it! We went to the ZUMBA class at the Green Valley indoor soccer center.
You walk in, it's dark, and there are lights flashing. I felt like I was at a club or something. But once the music starts you just let loose and dance. I am sore today so I know I got a good cardio workout. I tried to dance non stop for the whole class but I am not in the best shape so I had to stop and get a few drink/ resting breaks! I love ZUMBA
Ya'll should find if there are any classes near you! I know there are a few in St. George but that's about all I know.
I will give all of you a challenge! GO OUT AND ZUMBA!!!!!

1 comment:

Jules said...

I LOVE ZUMBA!!! IT"S RAD!!! You should try the hawaiian teacher's class at the Washington City Center, it's bomb diggity!