Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Officially Finished


My dad finally made the move to Kingman, two weeks ago.
I am so happy that him and my mom get to be together again.
And living under the same roof.
The local newspaper did an awesome article on my dad.
And one of his good buddies wrote a sweet letter to him
Here are both of the links about the stories.
There are two stories about him.
(I posted them above.
Sorry you can't click on the first one. But it is there.)
I hope you all enjoy.
I know I have.
I didn't think many people liked and admired my dad. Or they impacted their lives.
With him it's either black or white. But I love him.
Fasha you are awesome!
I just wanted to share this with everyone!


The Barclay Family said...

That was a really nice article about your dad! We are happy for him to be w/ your mom and Adds, but we miss your whole family here!!

Martha said...

I love uncle Jeff! He has always been so caring to me and our family. So glad he can be with Michelle and Adds!