Monday, June 21, 2010

I've done it all.

I am now working Saturday's at work...
Just until August.
Its summertime and we are super busy.
Which I can't complain. I am enjoying the hours and the kids.
Working as a preschool teacher with kids I feel like I've done it all...
I'm not even a mom and I have to deal with all the grody stuff.
Slobber, Snot, Goober Hands, Germs, Accidents, Stinky Diapers.
I thought I had done it all.
Well Saturday I had quite a bit of kids.
In comes M...
Bawling hysterically.
Freaking out.
I am holding him to calm him down.
His Dad said he should be ok on eating he just had pizza.
Dad left. Kids are playing with play-dough.
M got really quite. Then he started coughing.
I was sitting down he was on my lap. 
My hair. My shirt. My pants. My shoes.
I had even sat in it.

Doesn't everyday working with kids bring a new adventure. 
Good or bad.
This was a rather interesting experience. 
Oh the joys of kids and teaching them and being with them all day.
Remember. I am making my blog private so if you want an invite PLEASE leave me your e-mail. :)


The Papa's said...

I can't remember if I left my email address. Here it is:

Amber said...

Tori, I have never laughed so hard. I know the feeling but at least when it happens to me they are my kids. I don't think the smell ever goes away.

A Little bit of Sparks said...

Tori! I love it! that was so funny! I can't stop laughing!

Keri said...

Little Miss Victoria - Now thats to funny.... You will be so broke in when you have your own kids one day. Puke, Pee, Snot sounds like you have done it all :)

Brielle said... :)