Tuesday, January 5, 2010

New Years

I was able to go up to Richfield for a week and I loved it.
A few of mu girl friends got together from High School. It was fun, but we missed those who couldn't make it.
Me and Brianna went on a date with some boys too!
I did the usual on New Years eve and day.
Hung out at Grandma C's. Ate way way to much, played games, and thew the "cousin confetti"
Also played basketball... It was way different without Addie, Britt and Dre tho :(
I also hung out with Stephanie and Tyler Ned too! That was tons of fun! Here are some more pics! Enjoy!
The rest of my pictures are on my Facebook!


1 comment:

A Little bit of Sparks said...

LOVE all the pictures tori! Missed the fun and cousin confetti and b-ball and pretty much the party, but oh well. Love you sista! Cute blog!