Friday, May 14, 2010

Teacher Tidbits

At work, I teach the 2-3 year olds.
Its so much fun. I get a kick out of some of the stuff they say.
Here are some funny things they have said lately.
We wear a specific outfit. Our AWA t-shirts and dress pants/shorts.
So one day one of the kids asked me a question.
K: Miss Tori.
Me: Yes?
K: How come you wear the same clothes everyday?
Me: This is what we have to wear to work.
K: Well... Do you wash your clothes at least?
Me: Of coarse I do, that's gross.
K: Ok good!

Today I told the kids that I get to see my family today and that they are coming up from AZ and that I am so excited! They asked me.. Why don't you live with your parents. I tried to explain to them, but it didn't work to well.

On one of my work shirts I got bleach stained on it from cleaning up something at work. Yesterday "M" asked me... "Why do you have yogurt on your shirt".
Yesterday I was changing "M's" diaper. I was grabbing a tampon out of my purse so I could go potty after I changed her. I put it down my shirt. "M" said..."Ooooh Miss Tori what's that? Is it a special treat for me?" I told her"No. It's something for me, and she would understand when she was older." She pulled down my shirt and said "where did it go? I want it" haha. She cracks me up.

Here are a few  I can think of right now at the moment. I'll post more later.
Enjoy some pictures of my class

1 comment:

The Barclay Family said...

Oh Dylan would LOVE to be in Miss Tori's class!