Saturday, November 27, 2010

Turkey Day 2010

I spent my first Thanksgiving not with my family.
It was different but I had a really really good time and I am very Thankful for Chris and his family for inviting me to eat with them.
It's fun to see how everyone does things different.
Different traditions.
Different foods.
But I enjoyed it.
And they did an amazing job to make me feel like home.
They always do.
I LOVE spending time with Chris and his family.
Jilly and Kayli are like my little sissy's.
His mom and step-dad are so sweet and nice.
And Brenton is always so sweet and nice too.
In the morning we had pumpkin rolls and bread for breakfast.
And they go to a movie before they eat dinner.
But Chris and I didn't go.
Because I have been BEGGiNG Chris to go play basketball with me.
It was even nice enough to play outside.
I let him win both games.
Just kidding but he killed me the first game, and I put up a harder fight during the second.
I am looking forward to more games for me and him to come.
It was a very nice and relaxing holiday.
 Christina, Jilly and Brenton
 Kayli and Me
 Me and Chris. Doesn't he look so happy haha.
 Christina, Jilly and Brenton again
 Me and little Jilly Bean
Me & Kayli again

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