Thursday, December 10, 2009

It's soo late!

It's so late and I can't sleep!
I have so much on my mind!
I don't even know where to begin!
I've read my scriptures, said my prayers, ready my partarical blessing.
I should be ready for bed. But
I can't sleep and I just hate it
I just have some quotes that I wanna share...
Quotes help me in my good and bad times, so does music!
I'm not having a hard time or anything I just have so much on my mind!
Good night blog! I will try and sleep now! :)
I'm young. I don't need a boy to love, hold and kiss. I won't always be able to relax and be a kid, but I'll always be able to love, so I'm gonna get out there and liven up this world, leave my mark, make a difference because in five years I might want to rewind but I can't, So I'll stop worrying about that boy, now is the time of my life. I'll make mistakes and not care and make memories that will never fade. I'll live it up and live it crazy. I'm only young once, so I am gonna do this right. Drop the drama, screw the calories, and never question my actions... See ya later boy, I have HiSTORY TO MAKE! :) 


The Papa's said...

You're awesome! Always remember what I said! <3 ya!

Kelli said...

Tori your blog is so cute! I linked yours on mine so I'll be able to keep up better! See you soon! :)