Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Getting Excited

My little sister Addie just sent me these photos.
Oh boy do I love technology!
Thank goodness for picture messaging, when family lives so far away.
Addie sent me these pictures of her hair. Melissa practiced it today.
Its so cute! I am getting so excited to go up to Richy this weekend
Here is her hair!
Above(side view of her hair)
 here is the back.
She wanted it done like Gretchen off the The Real Housewives of Orange County. Its really really cute!
 I couldn't find a picture of her hair but it is cute!

1 comment:

A Little bit of Sparks said...

I am so excited to go see family this weekend! I'm not going to lie i'm really excited to see Addie too! Melissa rocks too! Nice job on the hair huh!